Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just a day

As you can see I have added some things to my side bar, I am starting to figure out this whole blog thing after all. Today was a busy morning but now at 1:00 I find myself with nothing to do. I went to Vilonia this morning to meet mom and give her my application for a job at ASU Beebe, then we wondered around dollar general for a little while. After I left there I went to walmart, and managed to spend more money than I planned on, which is easy to do. Then I came home, carried everything inside from the car, pet the front yard dogs, we call them Tony and Winston, and came inside to put everything away. Then I went and pet the back yard dogs, then I went down the deck steps and went into what we call, PUPPY LAND! We have to block of the deck to the puppies cause they will get on it and fall off and it a pretty good ways down. It is very hot here today, so I went and got the water hose and sprayed the puppies down so that maybe they would not get to hot. The puppies did not like this to much, there plan for revenge, to jump all over me and get muddy paw prints on my clothes. Needless to say I had paw prints from my shoulders to my heels. So then I had to do a load of laundry. But now I find myself with nothing more to do. So I thought I would get on here and work on my blog a little bit.

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