Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We went fishing!!

Me and Michael went fishing this morning and boy did we catch some fish. I caught 9 total!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cooper's tongue

Cooper has the longest tongue on a dog I have ever seen! He can barely keep it all in his mouth.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We are down to 4 puppies!!

Well after probably about 1,000 bags of dog food, we have finally found homes for all but 4 puppies. They are now 10 months old, and are huge!!! We are still trying to find homes for the final 4 and hopefully they will all be gone to great homes. I know Red and Molly will be happy when they are all gone and they get all the attention and food for themselves.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I was locked out!

Sometimes the things I do even amaze me. So here’s the thing… The puppies have figured out how to open the door, if it is not dead bolted. We leave the door knob unlocked to keep from locking ourselves out. (You see, even when the door knob is locked the handle turns on the inside the same as if it is unlocked, needless to say we have locked ourselves out many times.) So… The puppies always try and turn the handle, which can be VERY annoying. So it is 11:00 at night. I am trying to read a book and get sleepy, but the puppies are making this very hard because they are trying to turn the handle all the time. So I lock the door knob. I even thought ahead this time a left a note on the door saying and I quote “The door knob is locked! Don’t lock yourself out.” So I go on reading thinking this will solve everything. However, the dogs started barking like crazy. So what does my bright, intelligent self do? I walk right on out there to see what they are barking about and try to hush them up. Oh yes, with the note on the door and all, I walk straight out there and shut the door behind me. Only when I try to come back in do I realize that I had locked the door. I could only laugh at this point. Its 11:15 now, Michael has been asleep for hours, so I have little hope at this point. So I try standing on the deck and saying Michaels name. All this time keeping the water hose with me to keep the puppies off of me. I try this for awhile and it does not help. I try getting Red to go get Michael for me, but he just looks at me with his head cocked to one side. So then I get then I start throwing pebbles at our bedroom window (Hey, I thought this was a little romantic you know.) None of this works. I am beginning to think I will be staying the night with the puppies. So then I start jumping up and down on the deck making as much noise as I can, and the puppies even helped me with this one. They started throwing toys around on the deck, jumping up and down with me. Hey we were having ourselves a little party. Finally I here Red scratching on the door and I look through the window and see Michael looking more then a little confused. He said “what is all the noise?” I go “I am locked out!” He opens the door, by this point, I am just laughing. I go and wash my hands and by the time I am done, Michael is already back in bed. But hey, I thought it was pretty amusing. Hopefully he will see the humor in this in the morning, after an almost good nights sleep.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Time For Some Tough Love

To say that the puppies had gotten used to walking all over us is an understatement. They have started fighting for "Top Dog" status. We have had to break them up several time. So today I decieded to become the "Top Dog"! We got a sprayer for our water hose, and when they start misbehaving I go out there and spray them with it. I have been doing it all afternoon, and now when I come outside, they keep their distance from me, and if I grab that hose, they stop what they are doing. They had been taking over our deck and tearing everything up. Now if I go out side they all run off the deck as fast as they can. I now feel empowered. When they all run down I go down there and tell them good puppies and pet them, but when they jump on my I give them another squirt! But I think they are learning. They are all giving me the puppy dog eyes, but I am now not effected by them. They will leard to be good puppies, if its the last think I do.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Getting bigger and bigger

This is cooper
Rocky in the back, Andy and Charlie in the front

Cooper, Sammy, and Charlie

Quincy, Cooper, Sammy, and Ollie

I love this picture! Ollie, Quincy, Sammy, T.J

Little Andy

Me and Sammy. Look how big he has gotten!

Me and Quincy before he went to his new home.

Me and Brutus before he went to his new home with Quincy.

All the puppies are getting so big! They look like dogs now and are only 4 months old. They are growing like weeds. But they are all so sweet, and loving. I just wanted to put some pictures up of how big they have gotten.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I got a JOB!

I started working at Best Buy today. We watched videos all moring long. It kinda sucked, but I got through it. Tomorrow I start on the floor training so hopefully that will be a little more fun. I have to be there at 7 am which is gonna hard for me. I used to be a morning person, so hopefully I can become one again. I get a radio head set, which, you know just makes me feel special. Everyone who works there gets one, but it still makes me feel special. Its the little things... I am hoping I like it there ok. So far the people seem pretty nice. And it seems like a pretty laid back place to work. Plus I get a really good discount, that will be awesome come christmas time. If only best buy sold puppy food, it would be the best place to work.